
USD 9000 for setting up a scheme to smuggle fugitives abroad: border guards detain organizers of criminal scheme

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Two men from Lviv were detained after attempting to bribe a border guard with $9,000 for help in smuggling people banned from leaving Ukraine, but the border guard refused and reported them.

Two men from Lviv wanted to set up a business to smuggle men abroad who were banned from leaving the country. They tried to bribe a border guard for nine thousand dollars, but he refused to cooperate and reported their intentions to the police. The case was reported by the press service of the State Border Guard Service, UNN reports.

Border guards exposed two Lviv residents who organized a scheme to smuggle people across the state border. The dealers were looking for "clients" and promised them crossing through existing checkpoints. To realize their plan, they planned to "bribe" a border guard for $9000. The border guard refused to accept the bribe, and the suspects were detained.

- the State Border Guard Service reported.


According to law enforcement officers, a 32-year-old man and a 62-year-old woman wanted to make money from conscription evaders. It is noted that they guaranteed their "clients" unimpeded border crossing through existing checkpoints. But they did not have time to agree on an illegal transfer with border guards.

The State Border Guard Service said that the smugglers, who offered a $9,000 bribe to a border guard from the Krakivets department, were convinced that the "business" of illegal border crossing for evaders was flourishing.

The suspects were detained in accordance with Article 208 of the CPC. Both were served notices of suspicion of committing criminal offenses: under Part 3 of Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Offer, promise or giving of an unlawful benefit to an official" and  Part 3 of Art. 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine".

In addition, the detainees were imposed round-the-clock house arrest as a preventive measure.

Семеро "ухилянтів" збиралися перепливати Тису, щоб потрапити в Румунію26.02.24, 03:25


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