
US launches cyber attack on Iranian spy ship - NBC News

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The United States launched a cyberattack on an Iranian warship that was collecting intelligence on cargo ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

The United States has launched a cyberattack on an Iranian warship in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden that was collecting intelligence on cargo ships, NBC News reported on Thursday, citing three US officials, UNN reports.


The cyberattack occurred a week ago as part of the government's response to a drone attack by Iranian-backed militias in Iraq that killed three U.S. servicemen in Jordan late last month and wounded dozens of others, the report said.

NBC reported that the operation was intended to interfere with the ship's ability to share intelligence with Houthi militants in Yemen.

США завдали ударів по військовій техніці хуситів у Ємені09.02.24, 06:43


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