
US Congress to consider bill in support of Israel next week

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In light of Iran's attack on Israel, the U.S. House of Representatives will abandon its previously announced schedule next week to consider a bill in support of Israel.

The Republican leadership in the US House of Representatives  announced on Saturday that it will vote next week on a bill to help Israel because of the attack by Iran. However, it is not known what kind of document will be considered, Politico writes, UNN reports

Majority Leader Steve Scalise's statement came after the Israeli Defense Forces confirmed that Iran had launched a major air attack against Israel. 

In light of Iran's unwarranted attack on Israel, the House of Representatives will abandon its previously announced legislative schedule next week to instead consider a bill that supports our ally Israel and holds Iran and its terrorist supporters accountable

- Scalise said in a statement.

According to Politico, the statement did not make it clear which bill the House would vote on, or what it means for the Senate's broader foreign aid package, which would combine funding for Israel with aid to Ukraine and Taiwan, and which has stalled in the House. Scalise said that "more details...will be forthcoming.

Politico notes that Republican leaders are facing growing bipartisan pressure to praise the aid package in the wake of Iran's attack.

В ОП розповіли, чи не погіршилися відносин України та США12.04.24, 21:25

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell pushed for the House to pass the foreign aid package approved by the Senate, saying it would "provide critical resources" to Israel, "long overdue life-saving aid" to Ukraine, and assistance to Taiwan. 

"The Commander-in-Chief and Congress must fulfill their primary responsibilities without delay. The consequences of failure are clear, devastating and preventable," McConnell added in his statement.

Meanwhile, some Republicans in the House of Representatives argue that the United States should speed up aid to Israel to strengthen its defense. And Democrats have joined McConnell in urging Speaker Mike Johnson to hold a vote on a package containing aid to Ukraine. 

"In Congress, we must also take action. Speaker Johnson should introduce an additional aid package for Israel to support it in its time of need," Representative Mike Lawler said on Saturday.

США просять Ізраїль попередити про можливу відповідь Ірану14.04.24, 06:03


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