
US and allies continue to work on the needs of the Ukrainian Air Force within the framework of the "aviation coalition" - Pentagon spokesman

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The Pentagon continues to work with the countries of the" aviation coalition " to identify and meet the needs of Ukraine, including training Ukrainian pilots for F-16 fighters in the United States and Europe.

The Pentagon continues to cooperate with the countries of the "aviation coalition" to meet the needs of Ukraine. The price of the briefing was announced by Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder, reports UNN.


During the briefing, the speaker was asked how many Ukrainian pilots can be ready to pilot F16 as of the beginning of summer. He replied that the number and other details should be announced by the Ukrainian authorities. At the same time, according to him, the United States continues to work together with the countries of the "aviation coalition".

We are focused on working with the Air Force coalition to identify Ukrainian needs and then implement them."

- he said.

The representative recalled that now pilot training is conducted not only in the US state of Arizona, but also in Denmark, but the number of European training bases may increase.

There is a possibility of additional training in other locations that are being prepared in Europe, because, again, this will be a long-term offer in terms of supporting them through the Air Force coalition

he added.


According to Jake Sullivan, F-16 fighters are planned to be deployed in Ukraine. At the same time, assistance to Ukraine to acquire this ability is enshrined in the framework of the bilateral security agreement between the United States and Ukraine.

Салліван про дозвіл США застосовувати їхню зброю на території рф: це не про географію, а про здоровий глузд19.06.24, 18:00

Anastasia Ryabokon



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