
Ukrainian hackers obtained data that allowed the Special Forces to destroy Russian surveillance equipment - National Resistance Center

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Ukrainian hackers obtained the coordinates of Russian surveillance equipment from the general's e-mail, which helped Ukrainian forces destroy Murom-M.

CyberResistance activists together with the KibOrg community have hacked into the email account of Russian Major General Alexei Nesyomov. The hackers gained access to the coordinates of the Murom-M surveillance complexes. This was reported by the Center for National Resistance, UNN reports .

The Major General not only posted documents with the coordinates of Murom-M surveillance complexes, but also a list of the military who are now leading the orc legions in the Zaporizhzhia sector. Now it is only a matter of time before their photos on the Peacemaker website are supplemented with a black ribbon,

- activists said.


It is noted that the information was fully utilized by the SSO fighters, who destroyed the enemy Murom.


Ukrainian cyber specialists destroyed the IT infrastructure of the Russian company IPL Consulting, which provided information systems to Russian military-industrial enterprises. This caused significant damage and disrupted the work of dozens of key Russian defense companies.


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