
Ukrainian hackers attack the largest russian Internet portal

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Ukrainian hackers have attacked russia's largest Internet portal, breaking access to the e-mail accounts of some domestic and all foreign users.

Ukrainian hackers have attacked the largest Internet portal in russia This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, UNN reports.


The free email service has been shut down due to attacks by the Ukrainian cyber army.

At the moment, all users located outside the territory of the russian federation and some internal users have lost access to their accounts.

Access to email means not only mail, but also the ability to recover passwords, pass two-factor verification, and access to devices 

- the Ministry of Digital Transformation explained. 


Ukrainian cyber specialists destroyed the IT infrastructure of the russian company IPL Consulting, which provided information systems to russian military-industrial enterprises.

This caused significant damage and disruption to dozens of key russian defense companies.

​​Кібератака на Сили оборони: хакери через Signal розсилали військовим шкідливий код26.02.24, 16:41


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