
Ukrainian Armed Forces attack russians on the outskirts of Netailove, russians intend to occupy the village - DeepState

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Ukrainian troops attack russian troops on the western outskirts of Netaylovo, but russia continues to try to advance and fully occupy the village.

On the frontline, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are attacking the russian army on the western outskirts of Netaylovo, but the enemy continues to try to advance and gain a foothold in the village with the aim of complete occupation. This is reported by DeepState, according to UNN.


In the Donetsk region, Ukrainian defenders strike at enemy forces on the western outskirts of Netaylove. However, the enemy continues to try to advance and gain a foothold in the village with the aim of complete occupation.

З початку доби рф завдала 15 ракетних і 70 авіаційних атак, 452 удари дронами-камікадзе і 2843 - артилерією 18.05.24, 00:57


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