
Ukraine receives new Leopard tanks and air defense systems from Spain: Umerov calls for even more support

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Spain has provided Ukraine with a new batch of Leopard tanks, Patriot missiles, artillery shells, anti-drone systems and other weapons to counter russian aggression.

He expressed gratitude to Spain for a new batch of Leopard tanks and defense equipment for Ukraine. This was reported by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov, UNN reports.


Ukraine's Defense Minister Rustem Umerov expressed his gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Defense for providing new Leopard tanks as part of its assistance to Ukraine. The new batch of weapons includes missiles for Patriot air defense systems, 155 mm artillery shells, anti-drone systems and other weapons.

In his address, he emphasized the need for more support in the area of air defense to more effectively counter the aggressor. This will allow the Ukrainian defense forces to better counter the aircraft and guided aerial bombs used by Russian forces to attack Ukrainian cities and villages.

Umerov also called on the Spanish government and companies to invest in the Ukrainian defense industry.

We can stop the aggressor only together

- said Rustem Umerov.

Умєров про Харківщину: росіяни продовжують спроби просунутись вперед17.05.24, 19:05


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