
Ukraine now has 50 thousand doses of rabies vaccine provided by international partners

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Ukraine has more than 50 thousand doses of the anti-rabies vaccine provided by international partners, and this amount is enough to conduct all the necessary treatment courses. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Health - Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine Ihor Kuzin during a briefing, according to a correspondent of UNN.

Now in our country we have more than 50 thousand doses of the vaccine for the provision of anti-rabies assistance. And this amount was also kindly provided to us by international partners as humanitarian aid

- Kuzin said.

He noted that this number is quite enough to provide an adequate number of anti-racism courses.


Rabies vaccination requires only 5 shots, not 40. It is important to see a doctor quickly if you are bitten by an unknown animal. Ukraine has a network of anti-rabies medical care centers where patients receive the necessary vaccination from the first day of treatment.

У МОЗ нагадали, що у випадку укусу бродячої тварини необхідно обов'язково звернутися до лікаря14.05.24, 14:48

Iryna Kolesnik



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