
Ukraine is preparing to introduce a mechanism for carbon adjustment of imports - Ministry of Environment

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Ukraine plans to launch a national emissions trading system in a pilot mode next year, and to fully launch it by 2026.

Next year, Ukraine will launch the National Emissions Trading System in a pilot mode, and in 2026 it should become fully operational. This is reported by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, UNN writes.


To discuss the mechanisms of effective launch of the ETS needed in Ukraine, how to support business and minimize the consequences of the introduction of the ETS for it, the expert discussion "Effective Market Mechanisms and Tools for Climate Action" was held. 

In order to mitigate the impact of the CBA on our economy, we are already preparing a roadmap for the implementation of the ETS in Ukraine and analyzing the risks. Our task is to prepare the business as much as possible

- said Victoria Kireeva, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection.

The following questions were raised during the discussion:

  • Transition period from the introduction of a national emissions trading system to full accession to the EU ETS.
  • The optimal carbon price and its gradual increase during the transition period.
  • Supporting businesses in the process of preparing for the ETS and mitigating the potential negative impact of the REDD.
  • Climate finance instruments.
  • Means of additional international support for Ukraine.
  • EU experience in implementing mechanisms and its adaptation to Ukrainian realities .

The event also presented a preliminary roadmap and action plan for the implementation of the national emissions trading system.

Уряд активізує роботу над кліматичною політикою: на черзі підготовка закону щодо квот на викиди парникових газів, що важливо для виконання Угоди про асоціацію з ЄС12.01.24, 13:43


The ministry added that despite the challenges posed by the hostilities, Ukraine continues to implement EU standards and climate projects. Earlier, during the International Leisure Forum "United for Nature. Agenda for Ukraine", the Minister of Environmental Protection Ruslan Strilets said.

For Ukraine, 2024 is definitely the year of the beginning of the climate dialogue. We are moving at a fast pace and have already started discussing the draft Law of Ukraine "On the Basic Principles of State Climate Policy 

- the Ministry of Environment summarized.

For reference

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a mechanism for regulating carbon emissions at the border with the European Union. It is designed to prevent carbon pollution by charging EU importers for importing goods with a carbon footprint.


The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine stated that Ukraine is advancing its climate policyby drafting a law on greenhouse gas emission quotas, which is key to EU integration, and planning a full launch of the ETS by 2026.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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