
Two-zone climate control, heated mirrors, Apple Card: NABU ordered a car for UAH 14 million

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NABU plans to purchase 10 special vehicles for UAH 14.2 million with two-zone climate control and Apple Card. The purchase comes amid criticism of the anti-corruption agency's efficiency and costs.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine plans to purchase special purpose cars equipped with two-zone climate control, heated mirrors and Apple Card. Information about this was published on Prozorro, UNN reports .

In total, NABU wants to purchase 10 cars - sedans and station wagons - to be delivered to the bureau by the end of the year. The vehicles should be gray or metallic silver, with automatic transmission and cruise control. Among the special equipment required by the anti-corruption officers are tinted windows, a loudspeaker and flashing lights.

Bids are currently being accepted for the tender. The expected value of the lots is over UAH 14.2 million.


In April , the NABU procured services to repair toilets for over UAH 3 million. In addition, anti-corruption activists announced a tender to repair air conditioners for almost 400 thousand hryvnias, at a time when the authorities are urging not to use them to save energy.

The budget spent on the maintenance of anti-corruption agencies is also impressive. The costs of NABU, SAPO, and HACC over the entire period of their existence amount to approximately UAH 12-13 billion. At the same time, the budgetary appetite of the anti-corruption agencies is growing every year. This is paid for by taxpayers, for whom the next fee increases have already been prepared. In particular, the Government has submitted to the Verkhovna Rada draft laws on tax increases and amendments to the state budget for 2024. The Cabinet of Ministers proposes to the Parliament to increase the rate of the military tax to 5%, and for some transactions to 30%.

At the same time, there are still big questions about the effectiveness of anti-corruption agencies. Foreign experts in their audit report identified a number of problems in the NABU's activities. In particular, the auditors concludedthat detectives need to communicate with psychologists and the ombudsman to report problems in the workplace.

In addition, international auditors have statedthat the HACC reviews cases for years, while NABU detectives can investigate them for decades. However, as practice shows, the duration of an anti-corruption investigation does not affect its quality, as "high-profile" NABU cases against high-ranking officials have repeatedly fallen apart in courts.

Recently, NABU Deputy Director Gizo Uglava found himself at the center of an investigation by the bureau. Finding himself in the shoes of the person against whom anti-corruption activists are conducting investigative actions, Uglava admitted serious problems in NABU and noted that the bureau is focused on achieving "external goals" rather than establishing the truth.


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