
Transnistria may "ask" Putin to "join rf". An advisor to the Moldovan prime minister reacted

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Ciorba urged the so-called Transnistrian deputies at all levels to prevent the adoption of such an appeal, which he fears will inevitably give Vladimir Putin "the legal right to strike the territory of Moldova, including Transnistria, on any pretext".

In Moldovan Tiraspol (the capital of unrecognized Transnistria), a "congress of deputies of all levels" is scheduled for February 28. At this meeting, a request is to be voiced "on behalf of the citizens living on the left bank of the Nistru River" to accept Transnistria as part of Russia. This was reported  by local  oppositionist and activist  Gennadi Ciorba, reports UNN citing Moldova Libera.

Chorba said that on the next day, February 29, this "request" would allegedly be announced by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in his address to the federal assembly, which would then promptly decide to grant the "incoming request.

According to Gennady Chorb, "the command to hold this congress came from Moscow".

The Transnistrian oppositionist assumes that the holding of this "congress" will join the rally recently organized in Tiraspol to protest against the so-called "economic pressure of Moldova" and aims "to show that the people of Transnistria, in a united impulse, condemn the authorities of Chisinau".

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Analyzing the situation, Ciorba suggests that this is also the reason for the recent statement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that "Moscow will not leave its citizens living in Transnistria in trouble".

Ciorba urged the so-called Transnistrian deputies at all levels to prevent the adoption of such an appeal, which he fears will inevitably give Vladimir Putin "the legal right to strike the territory of Moldova, including Transnistria, on any pretext".

Gennadii Ciorba also addressed Moldovan President Maia Sandu with a reproach for inaction and unclear position on the Transnistrian region problem.

The advisor to the Moldovan Prime Minister, Daniel Voda, commented on the alleged "congress" in Tiraspol on February 28 and stated that the Bureau for Reintegration Policy is closely following the reconstruction in the Transnistrian region of Moldova.

"According to the information provided to us, there is no reason to believe that the situation in relations could worsen. We are convinced that Tiraspol realizes the consequences it assumes in case of rash steps," Wode wrote.

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Anna Murashko

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