
Tomorrow, blackout schedules will be in effect all day in Ukraine

 • 25070 переглядiв

Due to the increase in electricity consumption caused by the hot weather, on June 19, hourly power outages will be in effect throughout Ukraine for 24 hours, except for critical infrastructure facilities.

Tomorrow, hourly power outage schedules will be in effect all day in Ukraine, UNN reports with reference to Ukrenergo.

Tomorrow, on June 19, all regional power distribution companies will apply hourly outage schedules for industrial and household consumers from 00.00 to 24.00. The reason is the projected increase in consumption due to hotter weather

 , Ukrenergo reported.

The company also added that the power supply to critical infrastructure facilities that perform the function of life support for the population is not limited.

Маємо звикнути, бо вони будуть з нами впродовж року: гендиректор YASNO про графіки відключень18.06.24, 16:29

Antonina Tumanova



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Tomorrow, blackout schedules will be in effect all day in Ukraine

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