
To integrate with NATO: Ukraine launches a new stage of defense management reform

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The Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine have launched a new defense management reform to improve defense planning, resource management, and interoperability with NATO.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have launched a new stage of defense management reform. This was reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.


The main goal of the reform is to increase the effectiveness of defense planning and management of defense resources, as well as to achieve long-term interoperability with our partners from NATO member states.

The Ministry of Defense emphasized that it is interoperability that creates the ability to act jointly with partners both during military operations and in planning to counter future threats.  

We can talk about interoperability in terms of operational and functional interoperability. Operational interoperability allows for joint actions during crisis management operations, as part of the NATO Response Force, and multinational exercises. Such operations require interoperability at the level of weapons, munitions, communications systems, etc

- explained Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Stanislav Haider.

Суверенна Україна одного дня стане частиною НАТО - заступник Генсека01.03.24, 11:40

It is noted that functional interoperability relates to the areas of defense planning, defense resource management, personnel management, administrative activities and is forward-looking.

The agency adds that the existence of a real threat requires the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff to find more effective methods of planning and managing resources for capacity development.

How will this happen and what are the capabilities? Let me give you an illustrative example of F-16s. Aircraft alone are not enough to gain air superiority and conduct operations. In order to effectively plan their use, we must ensure that all the necessary basic components of capability are in place, including the appropriate infrastructure, such as runways, hangars, trained pilots and technicians, and changes in the work of controllers, navigators, and control systems. In addition, it is necessary to plan for proper maintenance of the equipment during operation, from technical inspections to the availability of appropriate spare parts and fuel and lubricants. All this must be planned and executed in the shortest possible time

- Stanislav Haider explained .


The project involves representatives of the relevant structural units of the Ministry and procurement agencies, specialists from the planning and resource management departments of the General Staff, as well as experts from the SDA UK and PROTECT2 Canada advisory assistance projects, consultants from Lithuania and the US IDA.

Україна буде виробляти гвинтівки за стандартами НАТО23.02.24, 11:16

Haider emphasized that the Ministry of Defense plans to develop a target model and roadmap for the transformation of the capability development management system in the first half of 2024.

According to him, this project is part of institutional changes and is part of the activities of the Adapted Annual National Program NATO-Ukraine.


Deputy Minister of Defense Stanislav Haider discussed with NATO Assistant Secretary General Borys Ruge the resumption of the full-fledged work of the NATO mission in Ukraine and plans to increase its strength to facilitate the implementation of summit decisions and bring Ukraine closer to NATO membership.


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