
Therapy dogs start working at Istanbul airport

 • 33457 переглядiв

Five therapy dogs have started working at Istanbul Airport to help relieve stress in anxious passengers by allowing them to interact with specially trained dogs at certain hours.

Five therapy dogs started working at Istanbul Airport in February to help anxious passengers cope with stress. The dogs are brought to work from 10:00 to 16:00. This was reported by AR, according to UNN.


Dogs can be stroked, hugged and played with. The four-legged therapists have official badges, have undergone special training, and are accompanied by dog handlers.

Representatives of the airport have already stated that after the first positive feedback from passengers, they have plans to expand the pilot project.

Чотирилапий побратим: військові збирають на лікування службового собаки, пораненого під час обстрілу02.04.24, 15:13

Lilia Podolyak



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