
The task of Belarus is to inflame the situation in the border area - CPJ

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The task of Belarus is to escalate the situation in the border area with Ukraine, inventing stories and justifying potential actions, said the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation.

Belarus has a task to inflame the situation in the border area with Ukraine. This was announced by the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council, Andriy Kovalenko, during a telethon, UNN correspondent reports.

The task of Belarus is actually to inflame the situation in the border area directly with us. The information component precedes all of this: in order to somehow justify some of their actions, they need to come up with certain stories. Here we see a story about drones, talks about the alleged RDCs on the border with Belarus, and then a story about the Belarusians bringing Polonez, which is an MLRS, there

- Kovalenko said.

He noted that the key story is that the Polonez MLRS contains Chinese missiles, so without China's permission, Belarus and Russia, which actually commands the Belarusian army, will not dare to use Polonez on the territory of Ukraine even if they want to.

ГУР: нагадування українцям про те, що ось-ось з білорусі "нападуть" - серйозний напрямок роботи рф 16.05.24, 14:14


The head of Belarus' anti-aircraft missile troops, Andrei Severynchyk, said that Belarus is additionally building up its intelligence forces and means on the border with Ukraine allegedly due to the increased activity of Ukrainian UAVs.  

On June 21, an unannounced inspection of the combat readiness of formations and military units of the Belarusian armed forces began. Military units and subdivisions are performing training and combat missions in the Brest and Gomel regions bordering Ukraine. .  

Anna Murashko



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