
The share of those who believe that the country is going in the wrong direction has increased in Ukraine - KIIS

 • 21618 переглядiв

According to a new poll, the share of Ukrainians who believe that things in the country are heading in the wrong direction has increased from 32% in December 2023 to 46% in February 2024.

In February, compared to December 2023, the share of Ukrainians who believe that things in the country are developing in the wrong direction increased. This is stated in a new survey by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, UNN reports.


Based on the survey results, sociologists concluded that the share of those who believe that things are moving in the right direction continues to decline in Ukraine. Compared to December 2023, the number of those who believe things are going in the wrong direction has increased for the first time. Thus, in December 2023, 54% considered the direction of things to be correct, and now the figure has dropped to 44%. On the other hand, the number of those who believe the direction of things is wrong has increased from 32% in December 2023 to 46% in February 2024.

Moreover, 11% of respondents believe that Ukraine is definitely heading in the right direction, and 33% believe that it is rather heading in the right direction. 10% of Ukrainians found it difficult to answer this question.

Residents of western Ukraine are more critical, with 55% believing the direction of things is wrong, compared to 35% who think it is right. In other regions, the number of those who believe the direction of things is correct is slightly higher.

In central Ukraine, 47% of respondents believe that Ukraine is heading in the right direction, compared to 44%; in southern Ukraine, 48% believe that the direction is right, and 43% believe that it is wrong. In the east, 48% of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine is heading in the right direction, while 36% think the opposite.


Of the 13 most well-known public figures in Ukraine, Ukrainians trust former Commander-in-Chief Valeriy Zaluzhnyi the most, while his successor, Oleksandr Syrskyy, is also trusted by 40% of Ukrainians.

КМІС: 69% респондентів вважають, що українці йдуть шляхом до згуртованої політичної нації22.01.24, 11:29


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