
The rating of the pro-Russian party BSW in Germany has fallen to a minimum

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The rating of Germany's new pro-Russian party has fallen to its lowest level in 3.5 months, according to a poll conducted by the INSA sociological institute for BILD, UNN reports.

If elections to the Bundestag were held today, the Sarah Wagenknecht Union (BSW) would receive 8% of the vote. Over the week, its rating fell by 2 percentage points, dropping to its lowest level since June 23. At the same time, in the recent elections to the Landtags of Brandenburg, Saxony, and Thuringia, BSW showed double-digit results and has a chance to enter the state governments. Among its conditions, it puts forward pro-Russian demands. 

The conservative CDU/CSU bloc remains the strongest opposition force in Germany (31%). The far-right Alternative for Germany is in second place (20%). Since all parties rule out a coalition with it, the only option for a new German government now is an alliance of the CDU/CSU and the SPD (16%).

Кандидат у канцлери Німеччини Мерц пропонує створити групу щодо України за участю 4 країн05.10.24, 17:37


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