
The public is outraged: China installs vending machines to sell domestic animals

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Vending machines that sell live pets such as cats, dogs, and rodents have caused outrage in several Chinese cities.

In China, vending machines for the sale of domestic animals have caused outrage. This is reported by CTWANT, reports UNN.


Vending machines selling pets have been installed in several cities in China, causing a wave of public outrage.

A video showing cats, small dogs and rodents locked in small compartments quickly went viral on Chinese social media. One of the videos, filmed in Beijing, shows cats sleeping in transparent cells that are only big enough for the animals to turn around.

This vending machine was advertised as the first in China to sell live pets. However, several users reported seeing similar stands in other Chinese cities.

Later, the Chinese media confirmed this information by showing advertisements for companies that produce these machines.

Десятки крокодилів втекли під час повеней у Китаї13.09.23, 02:20 • [views_372885]


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