
The Pentagon is monitoring military cooperation between Russia and the DPRK

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The Pentagon is monitoring military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, which is a concern because North Korea could provide weapons to Russia to support its military aggression against Ukraine.

Military cooperation between Russia and North Korea under the international embargo is a matter of concern for the United States, as well as a subject of surveillance by US intelligence. This was stated by Deputy Pentagon spokesperson Sarbina Singh, UNN reports.


We continue to monitor the interaction between Russia and the DPRK

said the Pentagon spokeswoman, commenting on the latest information on arms supplies to Russia.

She emphasized that this is a cause for concern, after the DPRK provides support to the Russian military to kill innocent people.

At the same time, the Pentagon spokesperson did not provide any new details in the context of recent publications in the Western media about Russia's military cooperation with North Korea.

В обмін на зброю росія почала прямі поставки нафти до КНДР - Financial Times26.03.24, 15:21 • [views_0]