
The Office of the President told about plans to support "Made in Ukraine"

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Ukraine plans to support Ukrainian producers under the "Made in Ukraine" initiative through cashback programs, investment loans, and simplified government regulations to stimulate demand, provide financing, and reduce bureaucracy.

Rostyslav Shurma, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, during his speech at KIEF TALKS discussed strategic plans to support Ukrainian producers within the framework of the "Made in Ukraine" initiative, UNN reports.

Shurma said that support for Ukrainian producers of goods will be based on three main principles: stimulating demand by introducing cashback in both the consumer and industrial segments, providing investment loans, and simplifying government regulation.

"In the industrial segment, we have a cashback program for the purchase of agricultural machinery, which has proven to be very successful. A similar program will be launched in the consumer segment. The buyer will receive a decent cashback for buying local products," explained Shurma.

He also noted that the condition for receiving cashback will be the need for non-cash payment with the receipt of a fiscal check, which will contribute to greater transparency in transactions. Additionally, the seller must be a taxpayer under the general taxation system.The Deputy Head of the Presidential Office noted that the Cabinet of Ministers and the Presidential Office are working to improve the public procurement mechanism in order to increase the volume of purchased products with a higher level of localization than is currently the case.

Shurma also said that another key aspect of supporting Ukrainian producers is the provision of preferential loans, and they also plan to simplify obtaining loans for new businesses.

"We plan to change the 5-7-9 program to shift the focus to investment activities. If you look at the structure of the loans issued, you will see that the lion's share is taken for working capital. Most likely, these areas will be limited. Everything will be focused on investment activities, and the loan limit will be expanded to $10 million," he explained.

According to him, the government is actively working on deregulation for Ukrainian producers.

"Ukraine should have advantages over our neighbors: Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Poland. That is why it is important for us to make our permitting system simpler than in these countries. Permits are issued in five areas: land, municipal and architectural approvals, grid connection, environmental approvals, and the construction permit itself. As for land, we have already adopted a law that simplifies the change of its purpose. We are working to deregulate other areas as well," concluded the Head of the Presidential Office.

We remind you

Ukraine and Italy have agreed to cooperate in promoting Ukrainian brands globally and supporting the entry of Ukrainian producers into international markets through the "Made in Ukraine" program.


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