
The Ministry of Finance is working on regulating legislation with EU norms: new financial and customs reforms

 • 19593 переглядiв

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine actively regulates the legislation of Ukraine to EU standards in order to speed up the process of the country's accession to the European Union.

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine is actively working to regulate Ukrainian legislation in accordance with EU standards. There are already results in financial services, particularly in countering money laundering, and entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on accounting and financial reporting. Writes UNN with reference to the Ministry of Finance.

"Since the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the EU has provided Ukraine with almost 32 billion euros of direct budget support, of which 6 billion euros this year. The Ministry of Finance is making significant efforts to harmonize the customs system and customs legislation with the EU system and legislation, tax legislation, as well as other areas in accordance with the competence of the Ministry of Finance," First Deputy Finance Minister Denis Ulyutin said during a meeting with representatives of the European Commission's Directorate General for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) to prepare for bilateral meetings within the framework of official screening.

changes in the customs sphere:

We are actively working on the second reading of the government's draft law, which introduces amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine for the implementation of certain provisions of the Customs Code of the European Union, the purpose of which is to coordinate Ukrainian customs legislation with European standards. Work has also begun on creating a new customs code of Ukraine and improving the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program.

Changes in sphere taxation:

Amendments to the tax code of Ukraine aimed at eliminating the risks of double taxation or non-VAT taxation are being prepared to ensure compliance with EU standards. The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the first reading a bill that aims to bring excise tax rates on tobacco products to minimum levels, given that previous measures did not give the expected results due to the high level of inflation.

A number of measures were also implemented in the direction of public finance management, namely, medium-term budget planning was restored, the medium-term public debt management strategy for 2024-2026 and the roadmap for reforming public investment management were approved. We continue to harmonize our legislation with European standards for the fastest possible accession to the EU

- added First Deputy Finance Minister Denis Ulyutin.

"A number of measures were also implemented in the direction of public finance management, namely, medium-term budget planning was restored, the medium-term public debt management strategy for 2024-2026 and the roadmap for reforming public investment management were approved. We continue to harmonize our legislation with European standards for the earliest possible accession to the EU," Ulyutin added.


On June 5, finance minister of Ukraine Serhiy Marchenko met with President of the European bank for reconstruction and development Odile Renault-Basso. The meeting discussed the key areas of the EBRD's work in Ukraine, especially in the fields of energy, infrastructure and Municipal Administration, as well as plans for further cooperation.


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