
"The life of soldiers is the highest value": Sirsky told how the Armed Forces of Ukraine are working to reduce losses at the front

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Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syr said that the highest value for Ukraine is the lives of its soldiers, so the Defense Forces create a universal system for each unit with a key priority to save the lives of Ukrainian soldiers.

For Ukraine, the life of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the highest value, so the Defense Forces create a universal system for each unit, the key priority of which is to preserve the lives of our soldiers. This was stated by the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Syrsky, reports UNN.


According to Sirsky, the reduction during combat operations depends on many factors and circumstances.

We discussed these issues with the commanders responsible for training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, representatives of training centers, shopping centers and joint ventures, the command of Medical forces, combat medics, volunteers and public figures who tirelessly support the Armed Forces of Ukraine throughout the war

- said the commander-in-chief. 

He stressed that the key factor is high - quality training of fighters. Sirsky stated that in this area there is something to work on and stressed that the training of military personnel needs to be constantly improved so that their training meets the current challenges of the combat situation.

Сирський: характер дій армії рф суттєво не змінився, ворог основні зусилля зосереджує на Покровському напрямку17.06.24, 11:59

We also discussed the technological component that affects the preservation of the lives of our soldiers. One of the directions is the maximum provision of the Ukrainian Defense Forces with modern unmanned systems of various modifications and the development of robotic platforms. To speed up this work, we have formed a new branch of the armed forces – the forces of unmanned systems. Technology must fight, saving the lives of our military

- told The Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

In addition, Sirsky noted another aspect - providing medical care to the wounded directly on the battlefield, as well as timely and safe evacuation. 

According to him, it is extremely important to provide each fighter with high-quality individual first-aid kits.

Sirsky also expressed gratitude to  volunteers, public figures and organizations for supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to him, their proposals are important and will be taken into account in the work.

We continue to work on a comprehensive approach to preserving the life and health of military personnel. The Life of fighters is the highest value

- sums up The commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


The commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine , Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky, visited the Training Center, where conscripts are trained. according to him, this system should become universal for each division and effectively controlled at all stages.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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