
Kremlin did not directly deny reports of Iran's possible transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia

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The Kremlin spokesman did not deny reports of Iran's possible transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia. The United States warned its allies of the possible delivery.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov did not directly deny the veracity of reports about Iran's possible transfer of short-range ballistic missiles to Russia, the Russian service of Radio Liberty reports, UNN writes.


Peskov reportedly said during a briefing on Monday that Moscow and Tehran are developing cooperation "in all possible areas, including the most sensitive areas" and "will continue to do so.

Speaking about reports of missile deliveries, he noted that "not every time such information is true.

Іран міг передати рф балістичні ракети в обмін на військову вигоду, включаючи Су-35 - ISW07.09.24, 09:59

Last week, The Wall Street Journal and CNN reported that Iran had already transferred missiles to Russia for possible use in a war against Ukraine, citing sources. Iran officially denies this, of course. A senior commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Fazlullah Nozari, told Iranian media on Monday that Western reports and missile transfers are part of a "psychological warfare.

The United States has informed its allies that Iran, according to Washington, has transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia for further military operations in Ukraine, the Associated Press reported on Sunday. The agency's interlocutors, who spoke on condition of anonymity, did not provide any details on how many weapons were delivered or when the transfer might have taken place.

At the same time, the White House has not yet officially confirmed that Iran has indeed transferred missiles to Russia. The US National Security Council said that if the reports are confirmed, it would mean a "significant escalation.

США: Передача Іраном ракет Росії призведе до ескалації війни в Україні07.09.24, 02:28

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry expressed deep concern over the media reports and said that if confirmed, the information would have "devastating consequences" for Ukrainian-Iranian relations.

МЗС відреагувало на можливу передачу Іраном балістичних ракет рф: попередило Тегеран про руйнівні наслідки для відносин07.09.24, 12:25


Iran has previously supplied hundreds of drones to Russian customers that were used by Moscow in the war against Ukraine. At the same time, Tehran denied that it had made the deliveries after the start of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine. Iran insists that it is neutral in the conflict.

Julia Shramko



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