
The invaders began training "bailiffs" in a fictional " Technical University”

 • 21968 переглядiв

Russian occupiers in the Kherson region are preparing "bailiffs" to apply their repressive measures. Recruitment starts in June and immediately “students” will go to practice.

In the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region, the enemy continues to develop repressions on the vertical - they began to train "bailiffs" on the tot, reports UNN with reference to the Center for National Resistance.

According to the Center, the fictional "technical university"should train future cerbers of the regime for federal service. Recruitment starts in June and immediately "students" will go to practice.

Окупанти засекретили реєстри "націоналізованого" майна - Центр нацспротиву03.06.24, 17:22

In addition, the National Resistance Center called for reporting future "bailiffs" by reference, so that no one escapes punishment.

На Запоріжжі окупанти проводять інвентаризацію захоплених земель - Центр нацспротиву 01.06.24, 16:38

Antonina Tumanova



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