
The fine from the TCC will be available in Diya - Defense Ministry spokesman

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Persons liable for military service will be able to find out about fines for late updating of military registration data in the Diia app, but this does not mean that everyone who has not updated their data by July 16 inclusive will be fined immediately, as bringing to justice for an administrative offense is a certain procedure that can take from three months to a year.

   Persons liable for military service will be able to find out about the fine for not updating their military registration data in the Diia app. However, this does not mean that everyone who has not updated their data by July 16 will be fined immediately. This was stated on the air of Radio Liberty (Svoboda.Ranok project) by Defense Ministry spokesman Dmytro Lazutkin, UNN reports.

Lazutkin  explained that prosecution for an administrative offense is a specific procedure that can take from three months to a year.

We are not saying that everyone will be fined automatically. From three months from the date of detection and up to a year from the date of the administrative offense, proceedings may be opened. A fine is a certain procedure. It's not just a matter of ticking off all those who haven't updated their license yet, and then automatically fining them. There must be protocols and a resolution. Accordingly, people will learn about these fines in the same way they learn about speeding tickets, in the same Diia app

- Lazutkin said.

Відтепер військовозобов’язані зможуть оновити свої дані лише в Резерв+ або ТЦК та СП - Міноборони17.07.24, 11:00

According to him, it is still possible to update military registration data in the TCC and JV and in the Reserve+ app, but this does not exempt from a fine now, as the 60-day period for updating military registration data has expired.

Lazutkin noted that employees of the TCC and JV will not detain conscripts who have already updated their military records within the statutory period.

У Генштабі уточнили процедуру виписування штрафів за неоновлені дані16.07.24, 13:44

The person has complied with the law within the specified period, he has updated his military registration data, he has indicated his place of residence. This means that a referral to the military qualification commission may come there. Accordingly, there is no point in "catching" this person in the middle of the street. Let's be honest, there were unpleasant processes associated with this, which negatively affected and will continue to affect the image of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, when they try to pull someone out by force at checkpoints. Representatives of the TCC and JV should not do this, they do not have such authority. Only police representatives can do this according to the law

- Lazutkin said.

Обов'язкова наявність військово-облікових документів для виїзду за кордон: вже є близько 40 відмов чоловікам17.07.24, 11:31

Anna Murashko



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