
The final version of the new spelling may be published at the end of the Year - Institute of Ukrainian language

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The final version of the new Ukrainian spelling may be made public at the end of this year after revision.

The new Ukrainian spelling is still being finalized and only at the end of this year will the final version of the new spelling be published. This was stated in an interview with Radio Liberty by the director of the Institute of Ukrainian language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of philology, Professor Pavel Gritsenko, writes UNN.


"The Institute of the Ukrainian language, understanding the current situation, is now working to eliminate all the shortcomings that exist in spelling. We are preparing the text that should be available," Gritsenko said.

According to him, " spelling should be reduced, take away from it what concerns self-evident things that should not be given. That is why there is a spelling dictionary, which should be an appendix to spelling, where complex forms should be given, where you can easily find, find, refer to that source.

"According to the current legislation, now the spelling option that we will finalize will be submitted to the commission on language standards. And then she accepts and lets him into life. Now neither the Cabinet of ministers nor the Ministry of Education will be involved, and the National Academy of Sciences cap is no longer needed.

When asked when the spelling editing will be completed, Gritsenko noted that "the question is very appropriate, the question is relevant and, I think, here you just need to take a wide tape for a while and seal your mouths." "Do not discuss this issue until the Ukrainian spelling is ready. And it can be, at best, only until the end of this year. The option that we will discuss," Gritsenko said.

Україна розробить правопис кримськотатарської мови до жовтня24.02.24, 04:31


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