
The enemy is being destroyed by hundreds, but they are pulling up reserves - Yevlash

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Defense forces are killing hundreds of Russian invaders every day, but their grouping remains roughly constant as the enemy pulls up reserves.

Defense forces are killing Russian occupants by the hundreds every day, but the enemy is pulling up reserves, so their grouping remains stable, said Ilya Yevlash, spokesman for the Khortytsia separate military unit, during a telethon on Thursday, UNN reports.

It (the enemy group - ed.) remains stable, but stable in what sense... Every day we destroy hundreds of occupants, dozens of weapons and equipment, but they are pulling up everything to replace what they lost earlier, and so, in principle, if you look at it that way, there may not be much loss in a month, sometimes even they lose somewhere... But when, for example, they have more than 500 tanks in the area, a reduction of 10 units (and this is despite the fact that enemy losses are inflicted every day), of course, does not play a very significant role. They continue to pull up their equipment from the reserves, let's say, from storage warehouses, and to replace the previously lost ones, they continue to strengthen their assault groups

- said Ilya Yevlash, head of the press service of the Khortytsia penitentiary institution.

Now the Russians have a new "trick" - they use light vehicles - buggies - to cross the swamps and deliver their personnel "quite quickly." "Of course we detect them, of course we cover them with artillery, but we need more ammunition..." - Yevlash said.

рф подекуди на Авдіївському напрямку кидає більші сили, ситуація залишається складною - речник29.02.24, 12:40

Julia Shramko



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