
The communiqué contains specific goals that the participants of the Summit have set for themselves - the President of Switzerland

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The joint communiqué of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland contains specific goals set by the participants to achieve peace in Ukraine, including ensuring the safe use of nuclear energy, preventing attacks on civilian infrastructure, releasing all prisoners of war, and returning illegally deported Ukrainian children.

The Joint Communiqué on the results of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland contains specific goals that the participants of the Summit have set for themselves and will strive for. This was stated by the President of Switzerland Viola Amgerd during a press conference, according to a correspondent of UNN.

In the communiqué, we set out a clear framework for three areas (food and nuclear security, return of prisoners of war, and deported children - ed. This is our common vision of how we want to achieve peace in Ukraine. These are the concrete goals that we have set for ourselves and that we will all strive for,

- Amgerd said.


First, according to her, any use of nuclear energy and nuclear facilities must be safe, reliably controlled and environmentally compatible.

Second, attacks on commercial vessels, civilian ports and civilian port infrastructure are unacceptable.

Third, all prisoners of war must be released as part of a full prisoner exchange. All illegally deported Ukrainian children and all other illegally detained civilians must be returned to Ukraine.

The achievement is that this conference was held at a high level and with broad support. A common position was developed here. Common denominators that states have found through diplomatic work and intensive discussions. Now this starting point must be utilized. A just and lasting peace in Ukraine is of fundamental importance to people in the war zones,

- Amgerd said.

Діалог відбувся і очевидно, що він може мати абсолютно практичні наслідки: Зеленський про Саміт миру16.06.24, 15:50


The Global Peace Summit in Switzerland resulted in the Joint Communiqué on the Foundations of Peace. UNN cites the full text of the document, which was supported by 80 countries and 4 organizations.


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