
Terekhov on the explosion in Kharkiv: a Russian drone was shot down

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According to Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov, a Russian drone was shot down by air defense in Kharkiv, resulting in an explosion in the city.

Kharkiv Mayor Igor Terekhov, commenting on the explosion heard in the city, said that it was a downed Russian drone. He said this on the air of a telethon, a correspondent of UNN reports.

As for the explosion, it was air defense. An unmanned aerial vehicle of our enemy was shot down

- Terekhov said.

Terekhov reported at 12:30 that an explosion was heard in Kharkiv. 

Харків під ворожим обстрілом: у місті лунають вибухи20.04.24, 12:37


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