
Tender purchases, construction of fortifications and filling the budget: Kravchenko held a meeting with law enforcement officers of the Kiev region

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The head of the Kyiv regional military administration Ruslan Kravchenko held a weekly meeting with regional law enforcement officers, where they discussed tender purchases for the restoration of housing destroyed by the Russian occupiers, the construction of fortifications, the security situation, economic stability, filling the budget and compliance with law and order.

A weekly meeting with regional law enforcement officers was held in the Kiev RMA. this was announced by the head of the Kiev RMA Ruslan Kravchenko on his Facebook page, reports UNN

During the meeting, tender purchases of communities, districts and structural divisions of the administration were considered. First of all, regarding the restoration of housing destroyed by the Russian invaders. 

Київщина нарощує темпи будівництва фортифікацій: Кравченко показав відео укріплень 29.05.24, 12:49

"The projects that are being implemented must meet the requirements of the time. Clear justification, efficient use of funds, no overestimation of prices for materials, goods and services. This is the main requirement for efficient and high – quality restoration," Ruslan Kravchenko stressed. 

In addition, the meeting participants discussed the construction of fortifications and the security situation in the region. The head of the Kiev RMA noted the need to implement constant multi-level control over the process of arranging defensive lines. 

На Київщині зменшать освітлення вулиць у вечірній та нічний час - Кравченко20.05.24, 19:53

Attention was also paid to issues of economic stability and budget filling. first of all, it was about the payment of taxes and fees by the communities of the Kiev region, improving measures that prevent illegal evasion of taxes and other mandatory payments.

"Supervision of compliance with law and order, effective anti-corruption measures at all levels. This is what people demand of us. Today, there is an extremely high demand for justice and transparency in society," Ruslan Kravchenko stressed.

Antonina Tumanova



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