
Teenager attacks an elderly man, mother is accused of neglecting parental responsibilities

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Kyiv law enforcement officers drew up a report against the mother of a 14-year-old teenager who hit a helpless pensioner because of hostile relations. This was reported by the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kyiv, according to UNN.


Kyiv law enforcement officers drew up a report against the mother of a 14-year-old teenager who hit a helpless pensioner because of a hostile relationship. The police learned about the incident from social media - a video of the teenager provoking a conflict with an elderly man in the entrance of a high-rise building and kicking him was shared on one of the capital's telegram channels.

According to the information, law enforcement officers found out that the teenager lived in the same house as the pensioner and treated him with disdain. When the teenager saw the man in the stairwell, he first kicked him out and then kicked him. The incident was filmed by the teenager's friend and shared on social media.

On June 14, the teenager and his parents were summoned to the police to provide explanations. Law enforcement officials emphasized that disrespectful attitudes toward other people are unacceptable and may have legal consequences.

Since the pensioner refused to file a complaint, a report was drawn up against the teenager's mother for improper performance of parental duties (Article 184 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). The information was also passed on to social services and the school for further educational work.

Чоловікові повідомили про підозру за хуліганство напідпитку біля Меморіалу Героїв у Кривому Розі16.04.24, 12:59

Julia Kotwicka



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