
Since the beginning of the epidemic season in Ukraine, 595 people have died from COVID-19, including four children - Ministry of Health

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Since October 2023, 595 people have died of COVID-19 in Ukraine, including four children. More than 12 million people have not been vaccinated, despite the availability of more than 2 million doses.

Since the beginning of the epidemic season, in October 2023, 595 people have died of COVID-19, including 4 children. This was reported by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, UNN reports.

Since the beginning of the epidemic season (October 2023), 122,081 cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Ukraine. 595 of them are fatal, 4 are children under the age of 17

- the Ministry of Health said in a statement.


In 2023, 814,740 Ukrainians did not receive the second COVID-19 vaccination. More than 12 million people have not even received a booster vaccination.

The Ministry of Health also reminded that the basis for protection against severe COVID-19 is a course of three or two vaccinations, depending on which vaccine you choose.

Currently, the country has more than 2 million doses of vaccines, and vaccination against COVID-19 in 2024, as in previous years, is free of charge, the report says.


On January 11, it was reported that there is currently no need to introduce a nationwide quarantine in Ukraine due to the flu and COVID-19. 

В Україні циркулює 15 штамів коронавірусу - Кузін11.01.24, 13:15

Anna Onishchenko



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