
SBU warns of mass email distribution: russians are trying to sow panic among Ukrainians

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The SBU warns of a massive email campaign, allegedly organized by russian hackers, targeting Ukrainians, including officials and private companies.

The Security Service of Ukraine warns of a large-scale email campaign to Ukrainians' email addresses, including representatives of government agencies and private companies. This was reported by UNN with reference to the SBU.


It is noted that is sent from a large number of email accounts that were previously hacked by Russian hackers. Law enforcement officials emphasize that the letters have all the signs of a targeted information and psychological operation.

The letters offer cooperation with Russian special services for a reward. In this way, the enemy is once again trying to destabilize the situation inside our country

- the SBU said.

The SBU has already blocked some of the addresses from which the mailing is being sent and urges Ukrainians not to respond to such messages.


Law enforcers reminded that the transfer of information about the Armed Forces, critical infrastructure facilities, and any other type of cooperation with the enemy is subject to criminal liability.

Such crimes can also be classified as high treason.


The Security Service of Ukraine detained a woman accused of working for the Russian Federation. The suspect identified and passed to the enemy forces in Donetsk region the locations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and heavy weapons.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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