
SBU Head Malyuk promises that "cotton will continue to burn"

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SBU Head Vasyl Malyuk claims that the service is stepping up operations against critical Russian military targets to limit Russia's military potential and accelerate Ukraine's victory.

The SBU is stepping up its work behind enemy lines to bring the war as close to the Kremlin as possible. The priority targets include Russian warships, military bases, logistics logistics corridors of weapons supply, etc. This was stated by the head of the SBU Vasyl Malyuk to the Politico, UNN reports with reference to the press service of the agency.

The SBU conducts targeted pinpoint attacks. We sting the enemy with a needle right in the the enemy's heart. Each of our special operations pursues a specific goal and gives its result. All of this together complicates Russia's ability to wage war in Ukraine and brings our Victory closer

- Malyuk said.

Currently, the special service is working to push the Russian Black Sea Fleet out of Crimea. Crimea. It is doing this with the help of Sea baby maritime drones.

The publication notes that the attacks by Sea baby drones forced Moscow to transfer most of its fleet from the temporarily occupied Crimea, which allowed Ukraine to resume using its ports for shipping.

According to Malyuk, the SBU carefully selects targets before striking. У first of all, it works on military targets. "We act in full compliance with the norms of international law," he adds.

The boy promised that "the cotton will continue to burn."

Наслідки "бавовни"в Маріуполі: уражений військовій схрон рф та щонайменше 10 окупантів - Андрющенко 21.12.23, 10:08

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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