
russians shelled a village in Kharkiv region: a 52-year-old man was killed and another person was wounded

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russian artillery shelling of the village of Vovchanski Khutory in Kharkiv region killed one person and injured another.

Today, the russian occupation forces attacked the village of Vovchanski Khutory in the Kharkiv region. The artillery shelling killed one man and injured another. This was reported by the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, UNN reports.


The investigation established that on February 16, around 12:20, the Russian armed forces shelled the village of Vovchanski Khutory, Chuhuiv district, with artillery.

A 52-year-old man was killed and another civilian was injured. Residential buildings were damaged in the village 

- the department summarized. 

In addition, on February 15, at approximately 16:10, Russian servicemen shelled Yurchenkove village in Chuhuiv district. The building of an agricultural enterprise was damaged.

Ворожий удар КАБами по Харківщині: серед трьох жертв неповнолітня - ОВА16.02.24, 08:25

Under the procedural supervision of the Vovchansk Department of the Chuhuiv District Prosecutor's Office of Kharkiv Region, pre-trial investigations into violations of the laws and customs of war (Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) have been initiated

- summarized in the Kharkiv regional prosecutor's office. 


Yesterday, February 15, the Russian army attacked the village of Dvorichna, Kupiansk district, Kharkiv region, with a drone. Two local residents were wounded in the attack

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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