
russians illegally took 17 more Ukrainian children from occupied Donetsk region - Lubinets

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17 Ukrainian children from Donetsk were illegally taken by russians to Moscow for "rehabilitation". The Ombudsman explained that this is actually a strategy to force russian citizenship on Ukrainian children.

russians illegally took 17 Ukrainian children from the occupied areas of Donetsk region and sent them to moscow for "rehabilitation". This was stated by the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets, UNN reports .


According to the ombudsman, russian presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights Maria Lvova-Belova once again facilitated the removal of Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied Donetsk region for "rehabilitation.

ПАРЄ на зимовій сесії обговорить резолюцію про становище дітей в Україні - нардеп21.01.24, 21:12

17 children with diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system were sent by a Russian Defense Ministry plane to the Ogonyok rehabilitation center near moscow  

- Lubinets said.

He also noted that in 2023, according to the russian federation, 150 Ukrainian children who currently live in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions were "rehabilitated and rehabilitated" in this way.


Lubinets emphasized that the practice of taking away Ukrainian children is a strategically important program of the russian federation, when under the pretext of providing medical care, Russians are forcibly passporting Ukrainian citizens.

A prerequisite for treatment is a russian passport, which is issued under a simplified procedure by order of putin. Thus, russian citizenship is being imposed under duress, which is contrary to international law

- Lubinets explained


Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets said during the fourth meeting of advisers on the Peace Formula in Davos that Ukraine returned from Russia 517 illegally deported children and 2,828 adults, including 150 civilians.

Скільки дітей Україна втратила через рф за 10 років війни: засновник Save Ukraine оприлюднив дані16.01.24, 21:24

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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