
Russians hit a police car with a drone in Dnipropetrovs'k region, law enforcement officers managed to jump out

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The Russian occupiers hit a police car that was responding to a call with a drone, but the officers managed to escape the explosion.

In Dnipropetrovs'k region, Russian occupants hit a police car on its way to a call with a drone. Law enforcement officers heard the drone in time and managed to get out of the car. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, UNN reports.

On February 7, at 13:30, the police received a call about a drone hitting a civilian car and injuring two local residents. The documentation team immediately went to the scene. On the way, the police heard the sounds of a drone rapidly approaching them. They reacted immediately - they stopped the car and took cover in a safe place. At that time, the drone hit their vehicle and exploded.

- said the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


The ministry clarified that although the car was armored, it suffered significant damage as a result of the attack. The police officers who responded in time managed to avoid bodily harm.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russians blew up the car of police officers Volodymyr Secretnyuk, Serhiy Mamot and Serhiy Muzychenko. They are members of a joint team that usually travels and documents the consequences of shelling in the Marhanets community.

Дніпропетровщина: у Павлограді через ракетний удар рф травмовано жінку 07.02.24, 19:22


Earlier, UNN wrote that an enemy drone hit in a car in the Marhanets community. As a result, two people were injured. A 60-year-old woman and a 38-year-old man.


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