
russians exhumed and reburied 80-90% of bodies in Mariupol - mayoral councillor

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The russians exhumed and reburied 80-90% of the bodies in Mariupol, and new mass graves are known to be located in Mariupol, at the Starokrymske cemetery, and in the villages of Mangush and Vynohradne.

The russians conducted mass exhumations and reburials of Mariupol residents who died during the capture of the city in 2022. Currently, the Ukrainian authorities know all the locations of the new mass graves - in Mariupol itself, at the cemetery in the Old Crimea, and in the villages of Mangush and Vinohradne. This was reported by the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andriushchenko during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN.

The fact is that 80-90% of the exhumations there (in Mariupol - ed.) were carried out by russians in some form, sometimes very inhuman, and the vast majority of our dead Mariupol residents were reburied

- Andriushchenko said.

He noted that the actions of the russians were monitored, so the location of all mass graves is known.

These are the village of Mangush, Mariupol itself, the cemetery in the Old Crimea, and the village of Vinohradne

- said the advisor to the chairman.


Over the past six months, the number of russians in the temporarily occupied Mariupol has increased by about 7-8 thousand, which has changed the ethnic composition of the city.

У Торонто відкрилась фотовиставка присвячена облозі Маріуполя окупаційними військами рф30.04.24, 03:44

Iryna Kolesnik



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