
russians are trying to implement a plan to surround Avdiivka and cut off the coke plant from the city - Barabash

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russian occupants are trying to encircle Avdiivka from the south and north, continuing frontal attacks in the area of the Avdiivka Coke Plant to cut it off from the city, the head of the Avdiivka Military-Civilian Administration said.

russian occupants are trying to implement plans to surround Avdiivka from the south and north, while continuing frontal assaults and pressure in the area of the Avdiivka Coke Plant, trying to cut off the plant from the city. This was reported by the head of Avdiivka city military administration Vitaliy Barabash during a telethon, UNN correspondent reports.


According to him, the situation in Avdiivka is complicated.

The enemy is indeed trying to implement its plans to surround the city from the flanks from the south and from the north. At the same time, they are trying to storm the city from the front

- He said.

According to him, the russians are trying to cut off Avdiivka Coke from the city through a dacha estate in the old part of the city and are putting a lot of pressure on it.

The enemy is still trying to cut off the coke plant through the dacha massif, through the old part of the city, and they are pushing very hard. The guys are working hard, they are not allowed to advance, but the situation is really difficult

- Barabash said.

In addition, he said that 935 civilians remain in Avdiivka as of the morning.

As for the local population, as of this morning, 935 people are still in the city. Evacuation is very difficult due to the large number of shelling on the road

- Barabash noted.


British intelligence reportedthat russian troops may have rotated additional forces to the Avdiivka area. The city in Donetsk region remains a priority for the russians on the frontline.

Авдіївка є пріоритетним напрямком для армії рф на фронті - британська розвідка08.02.24, 12:04

Anna Murashko



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