
russian troops attacked Nikopol region 14 times: there is destruction, three people were wounded

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Three people were wounded, including an 87-year-old woman, after Russia attacked Ukraine's Nikopol district 14 times using kamikaze drones and artillery.

During the day on February 20, Russians attacked Nikopol region 14 times with kamikaze drones and artillery. This was reported by the head of the Dnipropetrovs'k Regional Military Administration Serhiy Lysak on his Telegram channel, UNN reports


The aggressor sent UAVs to Nikopol region 14 times and fired from artillery. They fired more than two dozen shells. The district center, Myrivska, Marhanetska and Chervonohryhorivska communities were affected 

- summarized the head of the OVA. 

According to him, men aged 41 and 59 were injured as a result of the shelling. And also an 87-year-old woman.

Внаслідок ворожих обстрілів Нікопольщини поранені троє людей: медики борються за життя 87-річної жінки20.02.24, 15:23


An agricultural enterprise was also damaged as a result of shelling  in the Mirovska community .

In addition, in Nikopol, Marhanetska and Chervonohryhorivska communities, a dozen private houses, as many outbuildings, 6 cars, a bus and agricultural machinery, gas pipelines and power lines were damaged in one day.


Russian shelling damaged gas pipelines in Dnipropetrovs'k and Kharkiv regions, which led to disconnection of some consumers.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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