
Russian troops attack Nikopol with artillery at night

 • 32939 переглядiв

Russian artillery shelled Nikopol at night, no one was injured; damage assessment is ongoing. Other areas of Dnipropetrovska oblast were not shelled.

Russian troops attacked Nikopol in Dnipropetrovs'k region with artillery at night, the head of the Dnipropetrovs'k Regional Military Administration Serhiy Lysak said on Monday, UNN reports.

At night, Russian troops shelled Nikopol with artillery fire. The townspeople were not harmed

- Lysak wrote on Telegram.

According to him, the consequences of the attack are being established.

No attacks were registered in other areas of Dnipropetrovs'k region.

Українська ППО знищила 5 ударних БПЛА росіян18.12.23, 07:15

Julia Shramko



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