
Russian army shells Sumy region with mortars and artillery at night: 67 explosions

 • 25697 переглядiв

Russians shelled the border areas and settlements of Sumy region 8 times, causing 67 explosions and shelling several settlements with mortars, artillery and mines.

Russian troops fired 8 times overnight at 6 communities in Sumy region, using mortars, artillery, and dropping mines, causing 67 explosions, the Sumy RMA reported on Saturday, UNN reports.

At night and in the morning, Russians fired 8 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region. 67 explosions were recorded

- RMA reported on Telegram.

As indicated, Khotyn, Yunakivka, Miropil, Krasnopil, Bilopil, and Esman communities were shelled:

  • Krasnopilska community: the enemy fired from mortars (22 explosions). 
  • Bilopilska community: mortar shelling (3 explosions). 
  • Esman community: 3 mines dropped by Russians on the territory of the community. 
  • Khotyn community: artillery shelling (12 explosions) was recorded. 
  • Myropilska community: the enemy attacked with artillery (15 explosions). 
  • Yunakivska community: Russians dropped 12 mines on the territory of the community.


A day earlier, 11 Russian attacks on Sumy region were reported overnight.

За день рф 26 разім обстріляла Сумщину: є постраждалі та 1 загибла11.05.24, 00:26

Julia Shramko



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