
Russia recruits Cubans for war - Bloomberg

 • 63157 переглядiв

Russia continues to recruit Cubans for the war in Ukraine through unofficial channels. They are attracted by cash payments and the possibility of obtaining a Russian passport in exchange for military service.

Russia continues to recruit Cubans to participate in the war against Ukraine, despite the Cuban government's attempts to stop it. This was reported by Bloomberg with reference to the words of an interlocutor, UNN reports.


According to the source, Cuban “volunteers” join the Russian army through unofficial channels.

The total number of people involved in Russia's war in Ukraine “is probably in the small hundreds,” the source said.

According to him, Cubans are encouraged to join the war by payments offered by the Russian military.

Some of them are also attracted by the possibility of obtaining a Russian passport after Russian dictator Vladimir Putin signed a decree in January allowing foreigners to become Russian citizens in exchange for military service, the source said.

На тимчасово окупованих територіях ворог вербує школярів до військового училища рф18.07.24, 02:21

Lilia Podolyak



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