
Russia keeps two Kalibr carriers in the Black Sea - Humeniuk

 • 28263 переглядiв

Russia has two submarines with Kalibr cruise missiles and three other ships on alert in the Black Sea, with a total of up to eight Kalibr missiles ready for potential use.

The Russian army is keeping 5 enemy ships  on combat duty in the Black Sea, including 2 Kalibr cruise missile carriers, with a total volley of up to 8 missiles. This was reported by the head of the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine Natalia Gumenyuk during a telethon, UNN reports .


According to her, the enemy has  5 ships in the Black Sea, focused on guarding the base points. They are in the closest proximity to Novorossiysk. 

The missile carriers themselves - now two submarines are on combat duty - are also in the same area (safe for themselves - this is how they conventionally designate it) and these are 8 Kalibr ready for use. As of now, we do not observe absolute preparations for a specific strike

- said Humeniuk.

However, she reminded us that it is very difficult to detect launches from submarines and that missiles can be used at any time when the entire crew is prepared for a combat mission. 

"This can be participation in a massive missile strike or a pinpoint strike, which the enemy occasionally uses even from the air. We see from the reports that the enemy regularly uses missiles, such as X-59, in different regions," emphasized Humeniuk. 

Ще не фіксувалося використання рф снарядів КНДР для обстрілу півдня – Гуменюк29.01.24, 13:12


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