
Russia keeps tens of thousands of troops near the border with Ukraine: the State Border Guard Service assures that these forces are not enough to invade again

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Russia keeps several tens of thousands of troops near the border with Ukraine in Sumy, Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions, but these forces are not enough for a large-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The Russian Federation keeps several tens of thousands of Russian troops near the border with Ukraine in the direction of Sumy, Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions. However, these forces are not enough to re-invade the territory of Ukraine. This was stated by the spokesman of the State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko, during a telethon, UNN reports.

It is clear that the enemy has kept a certain number of its units opposite these three regions before. He is keeping them on his territory. According to our estimates, this is several tens of thousands of Russian troops at the moment near our border in the direction of Sumy, Chernihiv, and Kharkiv regions. These forces are not enough to carry out a repeated, large-scale invasion of Ukraine, which would allow the enemy to achieve some strategic goal, but we understand who we are fighting and the enemy's own cunning. Therefore, in fact, we must be prepared for any situation 

- Demchenko said.


As the spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko, said earlier, the situation on the border with Belarus has remained stable recently. According to the latest data, Russia has no forcesthat could launch a second offensive in this direction.


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