
RMA employees evacuated in Rivne: a report of mining was received

 • 16081 переглядiв

An anonymous message about mining caused the evacuation of all employees from the building of the Rivne regional state administration, and currently the special services are checking the premises.

In Rivne, all employees are being evacuated due to an anonymous message about the mining of the regional state administration building. This was stated by the chairman of the Rivne regional military administration Alexander Koval, reports UNN.


Another anonymous message was received about the mining of the building of the Rivne RSA and the Regional Council.  according to the protocol, we evacuate employees

the Blacksmith declared. 

According to him, now the special services are checking the premises. The chairman of the RMA promised to report its results separately.


Recently , due to an anonymous message about mining , visitors to the Globus Shopping Centerin the center of Kiev were evacuated. 


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RMA employees evacuated in Rivne: a report of mining was received

 • 16081 переглядiв