
Refused to dance lezginka: in occupied Sevastopol, a participant in the war with Ukraine kicked a girl in the face

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In occupied Sevastopol, a participant in the war with Ukraine kicked a girl in the face for refusing to dance lezginka. The attacker, allegedly a member of the Storm Z formation, was identified as a member of the "svoboda" who was vacationing in the city.

In the occupied Sevastopol, a participant in the war with Ukraine kicked a girl in the face for refusing to dance the lezginka, UNN reports citing the Astra Telegram channel.

As reported by local publics on May 1, the man approached strange girls and demanded that they dance the lezginka. When they refused, he started insulting them and then kicked one of them in the face.

росіяни перекинули в окупований Крим танковий батальйон для посилення кримського угруповання - АТЕШ29.03.24, 14:40

The next day, a video apology from the man appeared on Z-Channels.

According to the "head of Sevastopol's police department" Sergei Sigunov, the attacker was a member of the "svo" and was on vacation in the city.

"The material was collected and sent to the military investigation committee, because they were in the area of the conflict, they came here for vacation," he was quoted as saying by the so-called local media.

Sevastopol publicists write that the man is allegedly a member of the Storm Z formation.


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