
Putin announces Russia's plans to integrate the occupied Ukrainian territories into Russia over the next six years - ISW

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Russian dictator Vladimir Putin announced Russia's plans to integrate the occupied Ukrainian territories into Russia over the next six years. This is stated in a report by the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW), UNN reports .


Putin said that Russia plans to have the occupied territories of Ukraine on a par with Russia in unspecified "key areas" by 2030.

ISW suggests that this indicates that Russia is starting to implement long-term plans and does not involve any territorial concessions.

In addition, Putin called on Russian banks not to be afraid of Western sanctions and to intensify their work in the occupied territories, noting that Russian entities have established patronage networks with the occupied regions of Ukraine.


Last December, Putin saidthat Russia would not give up its goals in Ukraine and emphasized problems with military communications systems, while criticizing Western arms supplies to Ukraine.

путін заявив, що проти України воює понад 600 тисяч росіян26.01.24, 18:13


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