
Presumably, the Russians have been accumulating "chess pieces" for some time to strike: Evlash on massive drone attack on Ukraine

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Last night, the Russians launched about 25 Shahid drones, probably after accumulating them for some time, indicating potential problems with the production of these drones.

The occupiers have not used Shahed drones for quite some time, but last night they used a quarter of a hundred, which may indicate that the Russians have been accumulating them for some time. This was stated by Air Force spokesman Ilya Yevlash during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN .


As you can see, they didn't even use chess pieces for a long time, and now they have a quarter of a hundred at once. Most likely, the Russians have been accumulating them for some time. Perhaps they have some problems generating these drones. We cannot rule out the possibility that the Russians could still launch a combined strike. Although they have already conducted quite a few of these strikes. Presumably, they are now analyzing whether their strategic and tactical goals have been achieved or not. Unfortunately, the Russians still have a certain stockpile of missiles

- Yevlash said.

He noted that the Russians can produce new missiles at regular intervals to launch them at the territory of Ukraine, but they cannot leave their stockpiles empty.


The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported how many missiles of the Zircon, Oniks, Kalibr and X-69 types Russia has.


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